private static System.Drawing.Image RezizeImage(System.Drawing.Image img, int maxWidth, int maxHeight)
if (img.Height < maxHeight && img.Width < maxWidth) return img;
using (img)
Double xRatio = (double)img.Width / maxWidth;
Double yRatio = (double)img.Height / maxHeight;
Double ratio = Math.Max(xRatio, yRatio);
int nnx = (int)Math.Floor(img.Width / ratio);
int nny = (int)Math.Floor(img.Height / ratio);
Bitmap cpy = new Bitmap(nnx, nny, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
using (Graphics gr = Graphics.FromImage(cpy))
// This is said to give best quality when resizing images
gr.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
new Rectangle(0, 0, nnx, nny),
new Rectangle(0, 0, img.Width, img.Height),
return cpy;
private static MemoryStream BytearrayToStream(byte[] arr)
return new MemoryStream(arr, 0, arr.Length);
public static void HandleImageUpload(string p_postedImageFileName, int width, int height, Stream toStream, string path)
FileStream fs = default(FileStream);
string originalFileName = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(path + p_postedImageFileName.Replace(" ", "").Replace("%20", ""));
fs = new FileStream(originalFileName, FileMode.Open);
BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(fs);
byte[] binaryImage = br.ReadBytes((int)fs.Length);
System.Drawing.Image img = RezizeImage(System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(BytearrayToStream(binaryImage)), width, height);
img.Save(toStream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);
if (img.Height < maxHeight && img.Width < maxWidth) return img;
using (img)
Double xRatio = (double)img.Width / maxWidth;
Double yRatio = (double)img.Height / maxHeight;
Double ratio = Math.Max(xRatio, yRatio);
int nnx = (int)Math.Floor(img.Width / ratio);
int nny = (int)Math.Floor(img.Height / ratio);
Bitmap cpy = new Bitmap(nnx, nny, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
using (Graphics gr = Graphics.FromImage(cpy))
// This is said to give best quality when resizing images
gr.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
new Rectangle(0, 0, nnx, nny),
new Rectangle(0, 0, img.Width, img.Height),
return cpy;
private static MemoryStream BytearrayToStream(byte[] arr)
return new MemoryStream(arr, 0, arr.Length);
public static void HandleImageUpload(string p_postedImageFileName, int width, int height, Stream toStream, string path)
FileStream fs = default(FileStream);
string originalFileName = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(path + p_postedImageFileName.Replace(" ", "").Replace("%20", ""));
fs = new FileStream(originalFileName, FileMode.Open);
BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(fs);
byte[] binaryImage = br.ReadBytes((int)fs.Length);
System.Drawing.Image img = RezizeImage(System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(BytearrayToStream(binaryImage)), width, height);
img.Save(toStream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);
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