As we know Silverlight application running at client side and it’s not
stateless like pages. so as such you will find there is no page
life cycle in silverlight application. Apart from it we can consider the
following steps which executed at client end
- First the App constructor in the App.xaml file.
- The App's Applicaiton_Startup event which will be executed every time you open your Silverlight app.
- The Main page's Constructor.. It will be the constructor of the page assigned to the RootVisual properly within the App's Application_Startup event.
- InitializeCompnent, only to make sure the components are singed to variables so you can use them. I hope this one will be removed in the future and be handled elsewhere.
- If you have hooked up to the Loaded event within the Main Page Constructor, that event will then be executed, same with the rest event listen in the order they will be executed if you have hooked up to them.
- Then the SizeChanged event.
- Then the LayoutUpdated event.
- Then GotFocus if you mark the Silverlight app.
- If you navigate from your Silverlight app or close the Browser the App's Application_Exit event will be executed.
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